Juan Ibanez
STARRINGBoris Karloff - Karl Von Molder
Ralph Bertrand - Captain Pierre Labiche
Julissa - Annabella Vandenburg
Charles East - Wilhelm
Tongolele - Kalea
Quintin Bulnes - Klinsor
Year - 1968
Score - BOMB
Why do snakes get a bad rap in motion pictures? Always portrayed as villains or frightening creatures, snakes have been involved in really infamous films. ANACONDA, ANACONDAS: THE HUNT FOR THE BLOOD ORCHID, WOMEN OF THE PREHISTORIC PLANET, CAVE DWELLERS, PYTHON, SNAKES ON A PLANE - I can go on. That's not to say that these films are all bad. Some of them aren't. But usually if a snake is involved in a film, it's probably gonna be more bad than good. You can add SNAKE PEOPLE to the list. One of Boris Karloff's last films and released after his death, SNAKE PEOPLE is the epitome of horrible filmmaking.
You ever wondered why Indiana Jones hated snakes? Watch this film and you'll know why.
PLOTSome small island named Korea [or Korbai or Koran or Koocachoo - I'll stick with Korea since it sounds funnier] is inhabited by evil. If the evil is intense enough, it'll spread throughout the entire island and possibly the world. Apparently this great evil is just your regular voodoo ritual stuff that brings th

SNAKE PEOPLE is probably one of the most boring, slowest, uneven

Juan Ibanez isn't a director. He's just a guy who bought a camera and decided to play with it by shooting random events. Then he called it a film called SNAKE PEOPLE. I'm serious. There's no tension, suspense, or any creativity in this film at all. The only memorable visual in the whole film is the dream sequence where Annabella is fighting her doppelganger. Not because it's directed well, but because Annabella puts the head of a snake in her mouth as if she's giving oral sex to it. And the whole erotic belly dancing sequences [there's like five of them] by Tongolele are as exciting as those paid advertisements that run on television at night. At least the belly dancing is better than Britney Spears' last VMA performance. And no Chris Crocker...I will not LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!! Anyway, there's no flow or pacing. The editing's horrible and disjointed. Events just randomly happen. And scenes just run forever [well they seem to anyway]. Just not a well-directed film.
The story by Jack Hill is no better. It's as if Hill took all these horror elements, put them in a cup, shook the cup, and poured out the contents as if he were playing Yahtzee with not one die matching. Nothing makes sense. One random act happens after another. And the dialogue...good lord! I couldn't believe the things that came out of these people's mouths. I can't even recite th

The acting was beyond amateur if you can guess. The only good actor here was Boris Karloff, who didn't really do much in his ailed state. I admire the fact that he was professional enough to give it his all during his last days but o

And honestly, I can't really talk about the other actors. They were all horrible in their delivery and seemed like caricatures of real people. I've seen elementary school productions that have better acting and stories that make more sense. Everything about this film gave me a headache.
SNAKE PEOPLE is one of the weirdest, non-sensical films I have ever had the displeasure of watching. I don't mind films that are so bad that they're actually entertaining. But this film is just bad and it amazes me how it was ever made. I really can't recommend this film in the slightest. Unless you want to be bored for 90 minutes, I'd slither away from this one.
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